discordSend : Send an embed message to Webhook URL · Docker Compose Build Step Plugin · step([$class: 'DockerComposeBuilder']) : Docker Compose Build Step.
Possible attributes are id , target , branch , fork , url , title , author , authorDisplayName , and authorEmail . Each of these corresponds to a CHANGE_* ...
url : String. The repository browser URL for the root of the project. For example, the OpenGrok project would use http://src.opensolaris.org/source ...
The URL where the results of this build can be found (for example http://buildserver/jenkins/job/MyJobName/17/ ). EXECUTOR_NUMBER. The unique number that ...
Read the full documentation here. node { git url: 'https ... It's not ideal - https://issues.jenkins ... SSH private key authentication, try the sshagent step from ...
git branch: 'stable-2.204', url: 'https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins.git'. Example: Git step with ssh and a private key credential. Checkout from the git ...
url is the endpoint at which your Jenkins Server expects the POST request, containing your Jenkinsfile which you want to validate. Typically this points to < ...
Specify the HTTPS URL for the Tuleap Git repository so that links to changes can be automatically generated by Jenkins. repositoryUrl : String. The URL is ...
Specify the HTTPS URL for the Tuleap Git repository so that links to changes can be automatically generated by Jenkins. repositoryUrl : String. The URL is ...
If your jenkins server is just a domain like https://jenkins.yourcompany.com then the url would look like https://jenkins.yourcompany.com/ghprbhook/. If ...