discordSend : Send an embed message to Webhook URL · Docker Compose Build Step Plugin · step([$class: 'DockerComposeBuilder']) : Docker Compose Build Step.
CI/CD and Jenkins Area Meetups Jenkins Configuration as Code Jenkins Operator Jenkins Remoting Document Jenkins on Kubernetes ... Search K. > ... url = 'http:// ...
If your jenkins server is just a domain like https://jenkins.yourcompany.com then the url would look like https://jenkins.yourcompany.com/ghprbhook/. If ...
Possible attributes are id , target , branch , fork , url , title , author , authorDisplayName , and authorEmail . Each of these corresponds to a CHANGE_* ...
The URL address for to the REST endpoint. e.g. List GitLab repository releases https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/:id/releases. credentialId : String.
url : String. The repository browser URL for the root of the project. For example, the OpenGrok project would use http://src.opensolaris.org/source ...
Jenkins Pipeline · Using Build Tools. Resources. Pipeline Syntax reference · Pipeline Steps ... The URL you would use to clone your repo from DAGsHub. e.g. https ...
Specify the HTTPS URL for the Tuleap Git repository so that links to changes can be automatically generated by Jenkins. repositoryUrl : String. The URL is ...
... step. The Pipeline Syntax Snippet Generator generates this example: git branch: 'stable-2.204', url: 'https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins.git'. Example: Git ...
Specify the HTTPS URL for the Tuleap Git repository so that links to changes can be automatically generated by Jenkins. repositoryUrl : String. The URL is ...