The following examples are sourced from the the pipeline-examples repository on GitHub and contributed to by various members of the Jenkins project.
A continuous delivery (CD) pipeline is an automated expression of your process for getting software from version control right through to your users and ...
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Copy one of the examples below into your repository and name it Jenkinsfile. Click the New Item menu within Jenkins. Provide a name for your new item (e.g. My- ...
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Navigate to the Pipeline Syntax link (referenced above) from a configured Pipeline, or at ${YOUR_JENKINS_URL}/pipeline-syntax . Select the desired step in the ...
Pipeline Steps Reference. The following plugins offer Pipeline-compatible steps. Each plugin link offers more information about the parameters for each step ...
This section builds on the information introduced in Getting started with Pipeline and should be treated solely as a reference. For more information on how ...
From the Jenkins home page (i.e. the Dashboard of Jenkins' classic UI), click the name of your Pipeline project/item. · On the left, click Pipeline Syntax and ...
Find files in the current working directory. The step returns an array of file info objects who's properties you can see in the below example. Ex: def files = ...
Find Pipeline Plugin from among the plugins listed on the Available tab. (You can do this by scrolling through the plugin list or by using “Pipeline” as a term ...
This documentation begins with a Guided Tour to help you get up and running with Jenkins and introduce you to Jenkins's main feature, Pipeline. There are ...
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