See the developer documentation for the recommended minimum Jenkins version. Create a branch. In a local copy of your fork of the plugin repository create a git ...
Jenkins plugins declare a minimum supported Jenkins version. The minimum Jenkins version is a good way for plugin developers to indicate the range of Jenkins ...
Welcome to the Jenkins user documentation - for people wanting to use Jenkins's existing functionality and plugin features. If you want to extend the ...
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Users of the miniorange-saml-sp plugin should upgrade to a compatible version in lockstep with upgrading Jenkins core. (Apache Commons 2.0.0-M2 release notes) ...
Sep 21, 2022 · Update base Jenkins version to access the most recent features of Jenkins core. Update the SCM URL to replace a reference to an unsupported ...
It is defined by the Jenkins URL specified in the global configuration. --httpsListenAddress=$HTTPS_HOST. Binds Jenkins to listen for HTTPS requests on the IP ...
This tutorial walks you through the process of deploying a Jenkins application. You will launch an EC2 instance, install Jenkins on that instance, and configure ...
Jun 24, 2022 · Hi folks, I just read the following instructions: As far as I understand, this will upgrade the build agents completely to the new java ...
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A continuous delivery (CD) pipeline is an automated expression of your process for getting software from version control right through to your users and ...
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The upgrade steps are described in the Agent Upgrade Guide (Windows Agent Installer Module Docs). The only non-trivial action is a XML configuration change.