Increasing Tests Timeout​​ The default timeout for Jenkins integration tests is 180 seconds. The tests that require more resources may fail on a slower computer.
Unit and integration tests with the Jenkins Test Harness · Compatibility tests with the Plugin Compatibility Tester · Performance comparison tests with the Java ...
Oct 28, 2021 · hello all, i am getting this error while integrating nexus with jenkins. Till now i tried these steps to resolved it but none of them worked ...
Feb 6, 2023 · I'm running Jenkins version 2.364 and I'm having the same error. The server closes telnet with the AD servers but I still can't communicate.
Nov 16, 2021 · I got this wrote in my code. @Test public void main()* but jenkins doesn't see my @Test.But tell my that the build success.
Jenkins provides excellent support for integration tests by starting up a complete instance of Jenkins if your test class extends HudsonTestCase.
Apr 7, 2016 · CI and CD methodologies require continuous integration and system testing, and Jenkins comes to help here. Jenkins is an automation ...
Apr 7, 2022 · The Pretested Integration Plugin offers a branchy approach to pretested integration (also known as pre-tested commits), which upholds the ...
Aug 8, 2023 · my pipeline keeps failing with the error: Snyk failed to scan your project. Snyk API token with Credential ID 'APITOKEN' was not found.
The Jenkins project runs its own Jenkins instance for CI builds on ci.jenkins.io. It will build all plugin repositories in the jenkinsci organization that ...