The Jenkins platform SIG stopped testing Jenkins on the Eclipse OpenJ9 / IBM Semeru Java virtual machine two years ago (or more). However, IBM Semeru is the ...
Aug 23, 2023 · It's been running fine with both Temurin (hotspot) and Semeuru (OpenJ9/IBM) 3.382. The Jenkins platform SIG stopped testing Jenkins on the ...
Oct 11, 2022 · Our Jenkins Server has been recently moved and due to it my earlier working windows jenkins agent is no longer working.
Jenkins – an open source automation server which enables developers around the world to reliably build, test, and deploy their software.
Note: when developing new methods herein, you can test them quickly by starting wsadmin.sh -lang jython, and issuing execfile('wsadminlib.py') every time you ...
May 7, 2018 · Deploys your web artifacts automatically to IBM WebSphere Application Server and IBM WebSphere Liberty Profile.
Monitoring plugin: Monitoring of the performance of Jenkins itself with JavaMelody. Open the report (or http://yourhost/monitoring) after installation. Author : ...
Sep 7, 2021 · ... Java 6, OpenJDK 7 and BEA JRockit 5 on Windows. daily functional tests. This is based on a test suite using IBM's STAF framework and is such ...
Deploys your web artifacts automatically to IBM WebSphere Application Server and IBM WebSphere Liberty Profile.