Class Hierarchy. java.lang.Object. hudson.model.AbstractDescribableImpl<T> (implements hudson.model.Describable<T>). hudson.tools.
Method Summary ; static void, execute(hudson.model.Run<?,?> run, hudson.FilePath ws, hudson.Launcher launcher, String installation, hudson.model.Node node, ...
Method Summary ; boolean, execute(hudson.util.ArgumentListBuilder args, Map<String,String> environment) ...
Method Summary ; AppScanSourceInvocation · addScriptFile(hudson.FilePath scriptFile) ; protected hudson.util.ArgumentListBuilder, appendExecutable(hudson.util.
Jun 28, 2022 · Since its inception in 2005, the Jenkins (then Hudson) project has gone through a number of Java migrations. ... IBM Semeru) and to December 2030 ...
This page lists all security advisories that have been published so far. This index is also available as an RSS feed. 2024. Jenkins Security Advisory 2024-04 ...
Jenkins Core: hudson.security.LegacyAuthorizationStrategy (view on GitHub). Assembla Auth Plugin: com.assembla.jenkinsci.plugin.AssemblaAuthorizationStrategy.
A URL SCM plugin for Hudson. This plugin supports polling and checkout. Polling is done by checking the last-modified header returned when connecting to a URL.
Mar 4, 2011 · This plugin adds an "IBM Rational Application Developer 7.0/7.5" builder which allows to build a set of RAD projects using RAD's headless ...