Nov 30, 2023 · The EC2 Fleet Plugin scales your Auto Scaling Group, EC2 Fleet, or Spot Fleet automatically for your Jenkins workload.
site:jenkins.io fleet for jenkins spot from www.jenkins.io
Jun 10, 2016 · Amazon EC2 Spot fleet automates finding the lowest priced instances for you, and enables your Jenkins cluster to maintain the required capacity; ...
The EC2FleetCloud contains the main configuration values used while creating Jenkins nodes. EC2FleetCloud can represent either an AWS EC2 Spot Fleet or an ...
Sep 7, 2021 · The EC2 Spot Fleet Jenkins plugin launches Amazon EC2 Spot Instances as worker nodes for Jenkins CI server, automatically scaling the capacity ...
... Spot, and Amazon EC2 Fleet. You can use Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) to deploy a Jenkins application on AWS. This tutorial walks you through ...
Hide details of access to EC2 Fleet depending on implementation like EC2 Fleet, Spot Fleet, or Auto Scaling Group. See Also: EC2EC2Fleet , EC2SpotFleet ...
EC2Fleet. Hide details of access to EC2 Fleet depending on implementation like EC2 Fleet, Spot Fleet, or Auto Scaling Group.
Save up to 90% of CI cost on AWS with Jenkins and EC2 Spot Fleet. This is a guest post by Aleksei Besogonov, Senior Software Developer at Amazon Web Services ...
fleet. Class and Description. EC2Fleet. Hide details of access to EC2 Fleet depending on implementation like EC2 Fleet, Spot Fleet, or Auto Scaling Group. Skip ...