Agent running on EC2. EC2AbstractSlave.DescriptorImpl · EC2Cloud. Hudson's view of EC2. EC2Cloud.DescriptorImpl · EC2Cloud.EC2ConnectionUpdater · EC2Computer.
Amazon EC2 plugin 1648.vf3d852e00486 API ; Code that deals with HUDSON_HOME on EBS, which is used in conjunction with our EC2 launch wizard.
hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2Computer. All Implemented Interfaces: ExtensionPoint ... Obtains the instance state description in EC2. org.kohsuke.stapler.HttpResponse ...
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class hudson.plugins.ec2.EC2Cloud · EC2Cloud.EC2ConnectionUpdater. Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class ...
Class Summary. Class, Description. AmazonEC2FactoryImpl · Closeables · DeviceMappingParser · EC2AgentConfig · EC2AgentConfig.OnDemand · EC2AgentConfig.
Nov 12, 2023 · This plugin integrates Jenkins with Amazon EC2 or anything implementing the EC2 API's such as an Ubuntu.
Package Hierarchies: All Packages. Class Hierarchy. java.lang.Object. hudson.model.AbstractDescribableImpl<T> (implements hudson ...
Called when a new EC2Computer object is introduced (such as when Hudson started, or when a new agent is added.) When Jenkins has just started, we don't want ...
Called when a new EC2Computer object is introduced (such as when Hudson started, or when a new agent is added.) When Jenkins has just started, we don't want ...