Here are some things to consider when choosing a strategy for scaling your organization's Jenkins instances: Do you have the resources to run a distributed ...
Essentially, this centralized team attempts to solve and support all permutations each individual delivery team will need from a pipeline (e.g., build/deploy ...
site:jenkins.io distribution scalability slave from www.jenkins.io
distribution, docker, docker-compose, docs ... scalability, scale, screencast, scripted, security, selenium ... The "slave" term was deprecated in Jenkins 2.0 ...
Launching slave.jar from from console · Launch Java ... Jenkins Scalability Summit 2013 · Jenkins User ... Mobile App Distribution (MDT) Plugin · MobileCloud ...
Docker Slaves plugin is incompatible with this change. (issue 66930); Load classes from plugins in parallel for faster startup on multicore machines. (issue ...
This class is intended to represent an Integrity CM Member However, due to scalability constraints, the bulk of the member metadata will be stored in an ...
... slave-classloading/</loc> <lastmod>2013-07-24 ... scalability-summit-recap/</loc> <lastmod>2013-11 ... distribution-service/</loc> <lastmod>2020-07-27 ...
Follow the instructions in the Linux repository signing blog post to install the new public key on your computer.