Apr 18, 2017 · The pipeline was processed successfully, including the SonarQube quality gate, and as the final step, the packaged and tested artifact was ...
Mar 7, 2023 · Performance/load testing: score and Quality Gate status, number of load request and the average response time (in milliseconds) ...
Use this application name when you configure DevOps Insights gates. You can use an environment variable, such as $APP_NAME. step([$class: 'PublishTest']) : ...
Follow these steps to use DevOps Insights gates and dashboard with your project. Open the configuration of any jobs that you have, such as build, test, or ...
This plugin lets you integrate Jenkins with IBM DevOps Insights. DevOps Insights tracks your deployment risk based on the test data that you publish to it.
evaluateGate : IBM Cloud DevOps Gate · notifyOTC ... step([$class: 'PublishTest']) : Publish test result to IBM Cloud DevOps ... OctoPerf Load Testing Plugin.
Nov 12, 2018 · In our case, the quality gate comprises inspection of produced binaries and it fails if vulnerabilities of severity 'critical' are found. We ...
Jul 5, 2017 · Build, test, and metrics should pass out of the central development environment, and then automated and manual acceptance tests are needed to ...
Enabling continuous integration and testing for a 100 gigabyte repo. · The ability to checkout reliably and then embed custom JUnit Reports and QualityGates ...