Use SubversionSCM.getLocations(EnvVars, Run) for vars expansion to be performed on all env vars rather than just build parameters. hudson.scm.SubversionSCM.
Implement SCMTriggerItem instead. hudson.util.DescribableList.Owner. since 2008-08-15. Just implement Saveable . org.
Jenkins's interface with source code management systems. ... Captures the configuration information in it. SCMDescriptor<T extends SCM> ... Deprecated · Index ...
Deprecated Classes; Deprecated Enums; Deprecated Methods; Deprecated ... hudson.scm.CVSSCM(String, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean ...
Package hudson.scm. Class SCM. java.lang.Object. hudson.scm.SCM ... calcRevisionsFromBuild. @Deprecated public SCMRevisionState calcRevisionsFromBuild​( ...
Deprecated. Gets the SCM for this item. Methods ... > build, SCM scm, FilePath workspace, TaskListener listener, File changelogFile, SCMRevisionState ...
small structure to store local and remote (repository) location information of the repository. static class, SubversionSCM.SvnInfo. Nested classes/interfaces ...
Current state of the remote repository. Methods in hudson.scm that return SCMRevisionState ... Deprecated. SCMRevisionState, NullSCM ... Methods in hudson.scm with ...
Deprecated. No longer used by default. void, load(). Loads the data from the disk into this object. Methods inherited from class hudson.model.Descriptor.
Deprecated. as of 1.294 Use parseSCM(StaplerRequest, AbstractProject) and pass in the caller's project type. · Parses SCM configuration from the submitted form.