Represents the SVN authentication credential given by the user via the <enterCredential> form fragment. This is just a value object.
Extension point for programmatically providing a credential (such as username/password) for Subversion access. Put Extension on your implementation to have ...
as of 2.10 Use SubversionSCM.ModuleLocation.getSVNDepthFor* functions to correctly interpret module location depth options or SVNDepth.
Mar 25, 2024 · The Subversion SCM plugin exports the svn revisions and URLs of the build's subversion modules as environment variables. These are $ ...
Sep 7, 2021 · The Subversion SCM plugin exports the svn revisions and URLs of the build's subversion modules as environment variables. These are $ ...
Extension point for programmatically providing a credential (such as username/password) for Subversion access. SubversionEventHandlerImpl. ISVNEventHandler that ...
Package hudson.scm. Class hudson.scm.CredentialsSVNAuthenticationProviderImpl extends Object implements Serializable. serialVersionUID: 1L ...
Sep 7, 2021 · The credentials you enter in Hudson do not make their way into the mod_auth_sspi. Side note: They get send from Hudson: you will see them ...
Plugins that interact with Subversion can use SubversionSCM.DescriptorImpl.createAuthenticationProvider(AbstractProject) so that it can use the credentials ( ...
SshPublicKeyCredential. java.lang.Object · hudson.scm.SubversionSCM.DescriptorImpl.Credential ... File keyFile) throws org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException.