A helper method for Groovy Scripting to address use cases such as JENKINS-39317 where all credential stores need to be resaved. static <C extends Credentials> C ...
Returns the credentials provided by this provider which are available to the specified Authentication for items in the specified ItemGroup and are ...
Deprecated; Index · Help · All Classes. SEARCH ... Description. hudson.scm.CredentialsSVNAuthenticationProviderImpl ... Gets the file that stores the revision.
In some cases the nearest AncestorInPath ModelObject is one of the Credentials plugins wrapper classes. Methods inherited from class hudson.model.Descriptor.
Class Hierarchy. java.lang.Object. com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsStore (implements, hudson.model.Saveable).
Deprecated. Use CredentialsProvider.getCredentialsInItem(Class, Item, Authentication, List) instead. <C extends Credentials>
Represents the SVN authentication credential given by the user via the <enterCredential> form fragment. This is just a value object.
Package io.jenkins.plugins.credentials.secretsmanager.config. Class Tag. java.lang.Object · hudson. ... Deprecated. Methods inherited from class hudson.model.
A store of credentials that can be used as a Stapler object. Nested Class Summary. Nested Classes. Modifier and Type ...
Fields inherited from interface hudson.model. ... Returns all the Domain s that this credential provider has. ... Deprecated. Use hasPermission2(Authentication ...