Deprecated. Copy files matching the given file mask to the specified target. void, copyOne​(FilePath source, FilePath target).
Deprecated. No longer used. CopyArtifact. Build step to copy artifacts from another project. CopyArtifact.ConverterImpl · CopyArtifact.DescriptorImpl.
Build step to copy artifacts from another project. Author ... Fields inherited from interface hudson.tasks ... Deprecated. CopyArtifact​(String projectName ...
Deprecated. Use Jenkins.getNode(String) . Since 1.252. Gets the agent of the give name, hooked under this Hudson. getSlaves.
Copy artifacts from the latest saved build (marked "keep forever"). · Copy artifacts from a specific build. · Copy artifacts from the latest successful or stable ...
copy. @Deprecated public static int copy​(InputStream input, OutputStream output) throws IOException. Deprecated. Use instead IOUtils.copy(java.io.InputStream ...
Deprecated. Called before copy-artifact operation. Methods inherited from class hudson.plugins.copyartifact.Copier · copyAll, copyAll, copyOne, init ...
This functionality has been moved to ccxml plugin. hudson.Launcher.getComputer(). since 2008-11-16. See the javadoc for why this is inherently unreliable. If ...
hudson.plugins.copyartifact.SavedBuildSelector ... Copy artifacts from the latest saved build (marked "keep forever"). ... Deprecated. here for backward ...
Parameters: projectNames - comma-separated project names that can copy artifacts of this project. Method Detail. getProjectNameList.