Declarative limits what is available to the user with a more strict and pre-defined structure, making it an ideal choice for simpler continuous delivery ...
Helper method for combining global threshold conditions and threshold conditions configured in jobs. Method parameters in com.aspectsecurity.contrast ...
Oct 12, 2023 · We've noticed a continuous increase in the number of open files, and we're actively investigating the root cause. As a temporary measure, we've ...
Oct 31, 2016 · Since this is a sample, I'll just make all tests pass and set the job failure threshold for failed and skipped cases to zero. Jenkinsfile. // ...
Fills the Threshold Severity select drop down with severities for the configured application. hudson.util.ListBoxModel, doFillThresholdVulnTypeItems(String ...
Sep 7, 2021 · Message Compliance Threshold. Either enter the 'Maximum messages target' or select 'Continuous improvement'. The 'Maximum messages target' is ...
This plugin is for continuous application security ... Contrast Continuous Application Security. How to ... Add Support for Threshold Conditions by Environment ...
Returns the last numberOfBuilds builds with a build result ≥ threshold ... In earlier versions < 1.24, this number is not unique nor continuous ... threshold - the ...
The "When issues are found" selection specifies if builds should be failed or continued based on issues found by Snyk. ... The corresponding CLI option for ...