This compare the latest built commit SHA with the remote branch without cloning a local copy of the repo. If you don't want to / can't use this.
Jul 21, 2023 · Hi, im new to jenkins and would like to know what are the different ways to create nodes in jenkins, I knew about 2 ways: Using ssh ...
Jan 12, 2024 · I probably need to set GIT_SSH_COMMAND to ssh -v -i $VARIABLE but dont know what the variable is used by the checkout plugin where the creds are ...
Oct 28, 2022 · this give to me this error message in the configuration of the job : Failed to connect to repository : Command “git ls-remote -h – ssh ...
Feb 6, 2019 · Introducing SSH Steps · sshCommand : Executes the given command on a remote node. · sshScript : Executes the given shell script on a remote node.
Nov 11, 2022 · My Jenkins hosted on Kubernetes cluster using helm, I have set Git Host Key Verification Configuration as 'known_hosts' , ofcourse I have ...
The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the ...
Specify the root URL of the SCM-Manager instance including the context path (such as https://scm-manager.org/scm/) or an ssh URL (such as ssh://scm-manager.com: ...
Nov 20, 2023 · 1' using GIT_SSH to set credentials som git.telcomstuff.com Verifying host key using manually-configured host key entries > git fetch --tags -- ...
Nov 12, 2023 · The git plugin passes the remote repository URL to the git implementation (command line or JGit). Valid repository URL's include https , ssh , ...