Sep 26, 2022 · Hello! I've installed a Jenkins master at a iMac and successfully created a job to build iOS app and publish from Xamarim project.
Dec 22, 2022 · This plugin integrates a keychains and mobile provisioning profiles management for iOS and OSX projects into Jenkins. Simply upload keychain and ...
May 21, 2022 · This plugin adds the ability to call Xcode command line tools to automate build and packaging iOS applications (iPhone, iPad, ...). Features ...
A Jenkins controller can operate by itself both managing the build environment and executing the builds with its own executors and resources. If you stick with ...
Apr 14, 2022 · I have rebuilt the controller and both agents, however I'm still experiencing random disconnects when building docker images.
Jun 24, 2022 · Here is a video from @darinpope that describes the configuration of multiple JDK versions: As a reminder, the term “slave” to refer to an agent ...
Apr 20, 2023 · Shared libraries are configured on the controller and the code can only run on the controller. There is no need to install the shared libraries ...
Nov 10, 2023 · hi Team, I have created one managed file(config file provider plugin) that i am using to populate the parameter values using active choice ...
Mar 28, 2024 · This plugins adds Jenkins pipeline steps to interact with the AWS API. withAWS; awsIdentity; cfInvalidate; s3Upload; s3Download; s3Copy ...