Apr 3, 2022 · It is possible that because of how our environment is setup, Jenkins is doing the git ls-remote and C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe fetch ...
Aug 9, 2023 · I've tried removing the file and re-configuring the plugin. After this /mnt/data/github-plugin-configuration.xml gets regenerated as expected.
Aug 4, 2016 · This plugin allows you to synchronize your hudson configuration files with an SCM, allowing you to specify a commit message every time a ...
Aug 6, 2023 · Hello! I am updating Jenkins on a Kubernetes based platform. Running into issues that appear to stem from checkout csm, at the top ...
Oct 28, 2022 · Hello everybody,. I created a git repository: grep -r gitu /etc/passwd gituser:x:1200:1200::/home/gituser:/usr/bin/git-shell cd /mnt/500go ...
This plugin allows use of Git as a build SCM, including repository browsers for several providers. A recent Git runtime is required (1.7.9 minimum, 1.8.x ...
Jul 15, 2022 · So now I am attempting to version control the whole Jenkins config – essentially creating a Jenkins image that I can simply git clone and get ...
Determines the Content Security Policy header sent for static files served by Jenkins. Only affects instances that don't have a resource root URL set up. See ...
Mar 15, 2023 · Hello, I'm trying to set up an IaC pipeline that deploys some resources using terraform. I am storing this pipeline in a top-level Jenkins ...
Nov 11, 2022 · You're using 'Known hosts file' strategy to verify ssh host keys, but your known_hosts file does not exist, please go to 'Manage Jenkins' → ' ...