rest · com.compuware.ispw.restapi · com.compuware ... static hudson.util.ListBoxModel ... job. Parameters: logger - the Jenkins log: object - the object to be ...
Necessary to display UI in Jenkins Pipeline. Methods inherited from class com.compuware.jenkins.scm. ... isApplicable. public boolean isApplicable(hudson.model.
Gets the value of the 'JCL' statements. void, perform(hudson.model.Run<?,?> run, hudson.FilePath workspace, hudson ...
May 19, 2022 · This plugin provides access to various Compuware Topaz utilities, such as submitting Jobs on the mainframe.
Validator for the 'Login credentials' field. hudson.util.ListBoxModel, doFillConnectionIdItems(jenkins.model.Jenkins context, String connectionId, hudson.model.
compuware.ispw.restapi.action.SetInfoPostAction ... preprocess. public String preprocess(String ispwRequestBody, hudson.FilePath pathToParmFile, PrintStream ...
Validator for the 'Unencrypted Data File' field. hudson.util.ListBoxModel, doFillConnectionIdItems(jenkins.model.Jenkins context, String connectionId, hudson.
May 19, 2022 · zAdviser uses machine learning to find correlations between developer behaviors and key performance indicators (KPIs) based on DevOps data ...
Sep 7, 2021 · The Compuware Topaz Utilities plugin allows Jenkins users to access to various Compuware Topaz (R) utilities, such as submitting Jobs on the ...