Package com.compuware.ispw.git ; BranchPatternMatcher. A branch pattern wildcard matcher ; CliExecutor. A reusable CLI executor for both freestyle and pipeline ...
Uses of Package com.compuware.ispw.git. Packages that use com.compuware.ispw.git. Package, Description. com.compuware.ispw.git ...
Uses of IGitToIspwPublish in com.compuware.ispw.git ; class, GitToIspwPublish. GIT to ISPW publisher ; class, GitToIspwPublishStep. GIT to ISPW integration ...
Hierarchy For Package com.compuware.ispw.git. Package Hierarchies: All Packages. Class Hierarchy. java.lang.Object. hudson.
Oct 27, 2023 · This plugin sends a BMC AMI DevX Code Pipeline REST API operation to a CES server with some parameters.
ispwOperation : Perform a Compuware ISPW Rest API Request and return a JSON object · connectionId : String (optional) · consoleLogResponseBody : boolean (optional) ...
No dependency version manager bot are used on the plugin repository. 0, 5.0. Cannot confirm or not the JEP-229 configuration. Plugin has no GitHub Action ...
Apr 8, 2019 · The Compuware ISPW Operations plugin allows Jenkins users to execute ISPW operations, such as Generate, Promote, Deploy or Regress on the ...
com.compuware.ispw.git.GitToIspwConstants. Modifier and Type, Constant Field, Value. public static final String · BRANCH_MAPPING_DEFAULT, "#The following ...
com.compuware.ispw.git. Class GitToIspwPublishStep.DescriptorImpl. java.lang.Object. hudson.model.Descriptor<org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.Step>. org ...