DescriptorImpl is used to create instances of IspwConfiguration . Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.compuware.jenkins.scm.AbstractConfiguration.
Abstract source downloader. AbstractIspwConfiguration. Captures the configuration information for a ISPW SCM. CpwrChangeLogParser. Change Log parser.
Captures the configuration information for a ISPW SCM. Nested Class Summary. Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.compuware.jenkins.scm.
Displays the name of the SCM, the name that appears when configuring a Jenkins job. boolean, isApplicable(hudson.model.Job project). Necessary to ...
Class used to download ISPW components. This class will utilize the Topaz command line interface to do the download. Constructor Summary. Constructors ...
This plugin allow users to download Endevor, PDS, or Code Pipeline members from the mainframe to the PC.
Missing: hudson | Show results with:hudson
jenkins.scm.Messages; hudson.scm.SCM (implements hudson.model.Describable<T>, hudson.ExtensionPoint). com.compuware.jenkins.scm.AbstractConfiguration. com.
Missing: configuration ispw
Oct 27, 2023 · This plugin sends a BMC AMI DevX Code Pipeline REST API operation to a CES server with some parameters.
Missing: hudson | Show results with:hudson
May 17, 2023 · This plugin allow users to download Endevor, PDS, or Code Pipeline members from the mainframe to the PC.
Missing: hudson | Show results with:hudson
No dependency version manager bot are used on the plugin repository. 0, 5.0. Cannot confirm or not the JEP-229 configuration. Plugin has no GitHub Action ...
Missing: hudson | Show results with:hudson