Captures the configuration information for a ISPW SCM. Nested Class Summary. Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.compuware.jenkins.scm.
com.compuware.jenkins.build. Class ... Captures the configuration information for a Code Coverage build step. ... Gets the value of the 'Login credentials'.
Validator for the 'Host connection' field. hudson.util.FormValidation, doCheckCredentialsId(String credentialsId). Validator for the 'Login credentials' field.
When the user configures the project and enables this builder, Descriptor.newInstance(StaplerRequest) is invoked and a new TEDExecutionRunner is created. The ...
May 19, 2022 · This plugin provides access to various Compuware Topaz (R) utilities, such as submitting Jobs on the mainframe. Prerequisites. The following are ...
Jenkins context, String credentialsId, hudson.model.Item project). Fills in the Login Credential selection box with applicable Jenkins credentials. hudson.
May 19, 2022 · This plugin extracts, downloads, encrypts, and uploads zAdviser data.
Since the user can configure this class, you must have a DataBoundConstructor . Implementations: Qiniu Plugin: io.jenkins.plugins.QiniuArtifactManagerFactory ( ...
Sep 7, 2021 · Overview. The Compuware Topaz Utilities plugin allows Jenkins users to access to various Compuware Topaz (R) utilities, such as submitting ...