Sep 14, 2022 · Here are some AWS cloud-specific steps to implement in order to ensure the Build Server is setup in resilient way. Build server ...
Oct 3, 2022 · Amazon EC2 Mac instances allow customers to bootstrap macOS environments in the cloud and use these for building, testing, signing, and ...
Create iOS Unity build pipelines on AWS with Jenkins and EC2 Mac instances Every mobile game, whether it is a multiplayer or standalone game, must build ...
Create iOS Unity build pipelines on AWS with Jenkins and EC2 Mac instances Every mobile game, whether it is a multiplayer or standalone game, must build ...
Create iOS Unity build pipelines on AWS with Jenkins and EC2 Mac instances Every mobile game, whether it is a multiplayer or standalone game, must build ...
Create iOS Unity build pipelines on AWS with Jenkins and EC2 Mac instances Every mobile game, whether it is a multiplayer or standalone game, must build ...
May 21, 2022 · This plugin adds the ability to call Xcode command line tools to automate build and packaging iOS applications (iPhone, iPad, ...).
Cloud build resources can be a solution for a case when it is necessary to maintain a reasonably small cluster of agents on-premises while still providing new ...
The Jenkins Blog · Scaling out iOS builds on AWS with EC2 mac · Resources · Project · Community · Other.