Oct 8, 2022 · A good utility to build yours IOS apps, this plugin create MacOs agents for yours builds. It can stock your Keychains file on Jenkins and ...
Jira helps the Jenkins project manage issues and tasks related to over 250 000 Jenkins installations. It tracks bugs, enhancement requests, tasks, and security ...
Allows to setup Mac as Jenkins agents. It create ephemeral jenkins agent on the mac configured. All resources are removed after the build.
Pipeline Steps Reference. The following plugins offer Pipeline-compatible steps. Each plugin link offers more information about the parameters for each step ...
Jenkins Pipelines Jenkins is a well-known open source continuous integration and continuous deployment automation tool. With the latest 2.0 release, Jenkins ...
Pipeline. Used by 88.0% of instances. Released ... Mac build infrastructure built on genuine Apple hardware. ... Atlassian Jira Software Cloud · Pipeline Graph View.
Nov 7, 2023 · This plugin integrates Jenkins with Orka by MacStadium, a virtualization layer for Mac build infrastructure built on genuine Apple hardware.
This plugin allows to define external resources (such as printers, phones, computers) that can be locked by builds. If a build requires an external resource ...