Sep 7, 2021 · This plugin uses JClouds to provide slave launching on most of the currently usable Cloud infrastructures.
Instantiate your Slave subtype with something like CloudSlaveRetentionStrategy so that it gets automatically deleted after some idle time. Freeing an external ...
This plugin can be used to connect Jenkins to a Mesos cluster and dynamically launch Jenkins slaves based on the work load.
Gets most of the Server settings that were provided to Openstack when the slave was created by the plugin. String. getPublicAddress(). Get public IP address of ...
Package hudson.slaves. Class AbstractCloudImpl. java.lang.Object · hudson.model.AbstractModelObject · hudson.model.Actionable · hudson.slaves.Cloud. hudson.
Apr 16, 2019 · With this plugin, Jenkins can launch, provision, and manage Jenkins slaves on-demand in different cloud providers via ElasticBox. It also ...
Nov 2, 2022 · Hello. I have configured Jenkins with 2 docker nodes. I then installed the “Least load” plugin and my jenkinsfile contains this line: agent ...
Jan 16, 2017 · A One-Shot Executor is a Slave created for a specific Build in Jenkins Queue. It is launched as the Build start, and destroyed as the Build ...
Dec 7, 2015 · This plugin allows uniting slaves in groups as well as deploying group slaves via other cloud plugins.
Oct 12, 2012 · Configure the slave configuration on VM such that it connects to master automatically on start.