May 11, 2023 · AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed build service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces software packages that are ready to ...
Oct 18, 2023 · Introduction. Makes Codebuild buildjobs a Jenkins Agent. Using something like the ECS Plugin with Fargate works great for Jenkins builds that ...
AWS CodeBuild Plugin. awsCodeBuild : Invoke an AWS CodeBuild build; step([$class: 'CodeBuilder']) : AWS CodeBuild. AWS CodeBuild Plugin. View this plugin on the ...
Mar 28, 2019 · This Jenkins plugin dynamically spins up cloud agents using AWS CodeBuild to execute jobs as Jenkins builds.
This is the root class that contains all configuration state about the CodeBuilder cloud agents. Jenkins calls provision(Label label, int excessWorkload) on ...
To create your Pipeline project for a Git repository, click the Git button under Where do you store your code? In the Connect to a Git repository section, ...
Install the Docker Pipeline plugin through the Manage Jenkins > Plugins page · After installing the plugin, restart Jenkins so that the plugin is ready to use.
"Build timeout override must be a number between 5 and 480 (minutes)". public static final String · projectRequiredError, "CodeBuild project name is required".
Create your Pipeline project in Jenkins · In Jenkins, select New Item under Dashboard > at the top left. · Enter your new Pipeline project name in Enter an item ...
This section describes how to get started with creating your Pipeline project in Jenkins and introduces you to the various ways that a Jenkinsfile can be ...