Sep 14, 2022 · Create iOS Unity build pipelines on AWS with Jenkins and EC2 Mac instances ... Apple silicon in the cloud alongside the x86 architecture.
Oct 3, 2022 · Amazon EC2 Mac instances allow customers to bootstrap macOS environments in the cloud and use these for building, testing, signing, and ...
Create iOS Unity build pipelines on AWS with Jenkins and EC2 Mac instances Every mobile game, whether it is a multiplayer or standalone game, must build ...
Create iOS Unity build pipelines on AWS with Jenkins and EC2 Mac instances Every mobile game, whether it is a multiplayer or standalone game, must build ...
Oct 8, 2022 · A good utility to build yours IOS apps, this plugin create MacOs agents for yours builds. It can stock your Keychains file on Jenkins and ...
Create iOS Unity build pipelines on AWS with Jenkins and EC2 Mac instances Every mobile game, whether it is a multiplayer or standalone game, must build ...
Create iOS Unity build pipelines on AWS with Jenkins and EC2 Mac instances Every mobile game, whether it is a multiplayer or standalone game, must build ...
May 21, 2022 · This plugin provides builders to build xcode projects, invoke agvtool and package .ipa files.
Cloud build resources can be a solution for a ... Reduces ability to create pipelines. No way to ... Mac OSX. If you install Jenkins with the OS X installer ...
Sep 26, 2022 · Hello! I've installed a Jenkins master at a iMac and successfully created a job to build iOS app and publish from Xamarim project.