Build count: discard ... This will not prevent a build without a value if there are no credentials ... build, assuming the build server commits the change with a ...
Configure the credentials that provide secure access to third-party sites and applications that interact with Jenkins. Credential Providers. Configure ...
There are potential pitfalls associated with each approach to scaling Jenkins, but with careful planning, many of them can be avoided or managed.
May 25, 2020 · build discarder read. Note: there are other controls such as in the credentials and pipeline plugins that have not been updated yet. Action ...
My git URL is http-style and my credentials are stored as username/password. I am able to set up a global library stored at SCM as "modern scm". When I switch ...
Aug 1, 2022 · I am executing a pipeline job on a build node and observed that the workspace is getting deleted from the build node whenever the Jenkins ...
... build-discarder","1034" "appcenter","1037" "inline-pipeline ... credentials","1887" "tasks","1889" "hipchat ... cloud","2773" "build-token-trigger","2773 ...
Allows Jenkins to build using Cloud Servers via JClouds ... file-provider from 3.7.1 to 953.v0432a_802e4d2 in ... Invalid credentials not reducing cloud success ...
2024-04-24 18:52, -. [DIR], aws-secrets-manager-credentials-provider/ ... enhanced-old-build-discarder/, 2024-04-24 ... pipeline-build-step/, 2024-04-24 18:52, -. [ ...
Oct 31, 2023 · Enhanced Old Build Discarder ... GCP Secrets Manager Credentials Provider · GCR ... OSF Builder Suite For Salesforce Commerce Cloud :: Credentials.