Sep 7, 2021 · An agent is a computer that is set up to offload build projects from the master and once setup this distribution of tasks is fairly automatic.
There are potential pitfalls associated with each approach to scaling Jenkins, but with careful planning, many of them can be avoided or managed.
Configuring SSH remote host for Mac slave isn't working ... Launching slave.jar from from console · Launch Java Web Start slave agent via Windows Scheduler.
Fix blank page on configure clouds page if no cloud plugin installed. ... Label of the master should be editable if cloud is set up. ... Subversion SCM browsers ...
Dec 3, 2021 · The distribution to build for. By default ... Based on a cron-schedule agents ... This specifies the cloud object to download from Cloud Storage.
... cloud/</loc> <lastmod>2010-02-23</lastmod> <priority>0.5</priority> <changefreq>never</changefreq> </url> <url> <loc>https://www.jenkins.io/blog/2010/02/24 ...
A bug introduced in Jenkins 2.96 will downgrade Script Security Plugin to version 2.18.1, possibly resulting in cascading failures to load other plugins (and ...
Missing: osx troubleshooting