We are all very passionate about automation, infrastructure-as-code, configuration management and of course… Jenkins. My team and I specialize... Lisa Wells ...
The Jenkins Blog ; Easily reuse Tekton and Jenkins X from Jenkins · James Strachan ; Build your own Jenkins! Introducing Custom WAR/Docker Packager · Oleg Nenashev ...
Currently it's quite difficult to share and reuse the same workspace between multiple jobs and across nodes. There are some possible workarounds for achieving ...
site:jenkins.io benchmark configuration dashboard monitoring reuse from www.jenkins.io
Easily reuse Tekton and Jenkins X from Jenkins. What is Tekton? Tekton is a powerful and flexible open-source ...
Jenkins Configuration as Code Jenkins Operator ... benchmark, bintray, bitbucket, blueocean, brakeman ... dashboard, datascience, declarative, deprecation ...
site:jenkins.io benchmark configuration dashboard monitoring reuse from www.jenkins.io
CloudEvents Plugin for Jenkins: Interoperability between Jenkins and other CI/CD Tools · Easily reuse Tekton and Jenkins X from Jenkins · Resources · Project.
site:jenkins.io benchmark configuration dashboard monitoring reuse from www.jenkins.io
Easily reuse Tekton and Jenkins X from Jenkins. What is Tekton? Tekton is a powerful and flexible open-source ...
Jenkins Configuration as Code Jenkins Operator ... benchmark, bintray ... This includes the syntax of `Jenkinsfile`s and shared libraries, code sharing and reuse ...
Jenkins Office Hours: dotCi. Surya walked us through the dotCI source code yesterday, and a bunch of ideas about how to reuse pieces are discussed. The ...
Validating JCasC configuration files using Visual Studio Code. Configuration-as-code plugin ...