hudson.scm.AbstractScmTagAction.build · hudson.scm.ChangeLogAnnotator.annotators ... This method is deprecated when Hudson ... SECURITY-376: backup is ignored.
Aug 4, 2016 · Deprecated: This plugin has been marked as deprecated. In general, this means that this plugin is either obsolete, no longer being developed ...
Deprecated: Backward-compatible fallback for jenkins.model.Jenkins.workspaceDirName . Removed since 2.272. hudson.model.LabelAtom.allowFolderTraversal. security ...
Oct 24, 2023 · take a backup before upgrading Jenkins of course. Look at the upgrade guides to see what has changed. Most importantly you will need Java 11 ...
This core change requires corresponding changes in many plugins for them to be compatible. We strongly recommend that you read the LTS upgrade guide, make sure ...
Represents a Jenkins plug-in and associated control information for Jenkins to control Plugin . A plug-in is packaged into a jar file whose extension is ...
Nov 12, 2023 · Client-side hooks are not copied when the repository is cloned by Jenkins using the inbuilt SCM methods. ... Custom SCM name - Deprecated. Unique ...
This method is deprecated when Hudson moved from ... isBrowserReusable(T, T) - Method in class hudson.scm. ... Returns true if backup of jenkins.war exists on the ...
Jenkins no longer bundles a patched version of the deprecated Commons HttpClient 3.x library for use by plugins. Plugins should be migrated to the native Java ...
Sep 7, 2021 · Jenkins Features Controlled with System Properties. Jenkins has several "hidden" features that can be enabled with system properties.