Mar 2, 2022 · This plugin triggers builds on all events received via Amazon Web Services Simple Queue Service (AWS SQS) on a specified Queue.
Aug 19, 2018 · The plugin detects all matching HTTPS codecommit Repository URLS and once found, adds a generated credential token when needed. Troubleshooting.
AWS CodeCommit Helper augments the Git Plugin in order to generate Credentials, without the need for the aws codecommit credential-helper command.
0. Released: 6 years ago. Requires Jenkins 1.609.1. ID: aws-codecommit-jobs. Installed on 0.22% of instances. View detailed version information. Links. GitHub.
Nov 14, 2017 · Creates jobs multi-branch for each repository in code commit. It uses the code commit API to get all repositories.
Aug 19, 2018 · AWS CodeCommit Helper augments the Git Plugin in order to generate Credentials, without the need for the aws codecommit credential-helper
Apr 18, 2023 · Hello, We are trying to checkout aws code commit repo using Jenkins Pipeline SCM. All the prerequisities are followed and looks good.
AWS CodeCommit Helper augments the Git Plugin in order to generate Credentials, without the need for the aws codecommit credential-helper command.