android-apk-size-watcher · android-emulator · android ... external-monitor-job · external-scheduler · external ... selenium-aes · selenium-axis · selenium-builder ...
This feature allows restricting configuration UIs and APIs while providing access to essential Jenkins system configuration, diagnostics, and self-monitoring ...
This new Selenium-based test harness is full of page objects and other abstractions that let you write blackbox integration tests on Jenkins and its plugins ...
It's 2022, and the Jenkins project is approaching 18 years old, boasts over 1,800 plugins and over 1 million users around the world, and is widely considered ...
Externalizing fingerprint storage for Jenkins is a Google Summer of Code 2020 project. We are working on building a pluggable storage engine for fingerprints ( ...
Introducing the 2 + 2 + 2 Java support plan. Summary tl;dr Jenkins 2.426.1 LTS will support Java 11, 17, and 21. In Fall 2024, Jenkins will require Java 17 ...
At JUC2015/London I have conducted a talk about common automation challenges in the area. In this blog post I would like to concentrate on Pipeline (formerly ...
This plugin integrates users with Selenium Testing on CrossBrowserTesting.com CrossBrowserTesting.com provides cross browser testing on Windows, Macs, and real ...
This new tab provides the plugin's health score, along with every aspect that contributed to its score. The score is meant to be unbiased and all plugins are ...
external-storage, external-workspace-manager ... scalability, scale, screencast, scripted, security, selenium ... Is Jenkins somehow limited in building Android ...