Feb 26, 2022 · The tutorial I am working through shows how to install Jenkins locally, not remotely. But if we do this, how does the github repo message ...
May 9, 2023 · You are trying to push a tag already present in the remote, this means your local repository and the remote are out of sync. You can force push ...
Sep 6, 2022 · “it doesn't work” is always hard to remote debug. Try to always include these 3 things. what did you try? (Code samples, command lines, ...
May 4, 2023 · Hello everyoone! I am having the “not a git repository” error when trying to run a multibranch pipeline project. I'm running Jenkins locally ...
Mar 21, 2023 · I am able to run the git fetch cmd without any error. I think the feature branch workspace is corrupted and I renamed it to another directory ...
Do Not Fail If Remote Fails. If this option is enabled, the build will not fail even if the remote build fails. mandatory: no default: false. token : String ...
Sep 2, 2023 · I have integrated Jenkins with Azure AD and it is working fine without any issue. Now i want to trigger jenkins job remotely.
Feb 28, 2024 · Failed to connect to repository : Command “git.exe ls-remote -h – git@github.com:.git HEAD” returned status code 128: stdout: stderr: No ED25519 ...
Aug 22, 2022 · my operation system computer is Windows, and I want to connect to a remote server wich is MacOs. Check if MacOS node is connected to jenkins ...