Jan 26, 2024 · This metric gives a reasonably pure measure of the load requirements of the Jenkins controller as it is unaffected by the number of executors ...
It allows to measure the experience from the end user perspective, by monitoring times in the browser for each html page until it is displayed and ready to be ...
Mar 29, 2024 · Jenkins Prometheus Plugin expose an endpoint (default /prometheus) with metrics where a Prometheus Server can scrape.
Jenkins installs "ping thread" on every remoting connection, such as controller/agent connections, regardless of its transport mechanism (such as SSH, JNLP, ...
Jan 27, 2021 · This plugin is used to forward metrics, events to your account at Sematext, automatically ... Test your Receiver URL by using the Test URL button.
This plugin allows monitoring of Jenkins agents by deploying Prometheus node exporters and Otel collectors to them and linking to a Grafana dashboard ...
Feb 22, 2022 · Integrate performance testing in CI/CD pipelines to proactively detect and analyze issues in mainframe applications.
Apr 11, 2024 · This plugin is used to forward metrics, events, and service checks to your account at Datadog, automatically.
This plugin fetches analysis data from the AppMon Server (Test Center Edition) REST interface. It displays a chart with a trend on ...