Monitor and Restart Offline Agents — This script can monitor and restart offline nodes if they are not disconnected manually. Monitoring Scripts — Several ...
(issue 63232); Replace text references to slave with agent in Japanese documentation and messages. (issue 63166); Fix backspace key sometimes did not delete ...
Sep 7, 2021 · Launch agent headlessly from agent back to master on command line. Make sure to replace "agent-name" with the name of your agent.
If the associated branch is not trusted, yet the file has been modified from its trusted version, an error is thrown. Thus this step is useful for loading ...
Problems updating subversion plugin/starting Jenkins · Expose svn 'current' revision in addition to the 'last-changed' revision · FishEye No Longer Recognized (or ...
Description: Use shorter but cryptic names in matrix build workspace directories. Avoids problems with 256 character limit on paths in Cygwin, path depths ...
Missing: mac master
Sep 7, 2021 · This build step will install the developer profile into the slave's keychain. Work with existing populated keychains. If you create a dedicated ...
Configuring SSH remote host for Mac slave isn't working ... Slave To Master Access Control · Solaris Issue ... Console Log Text Replacer Plugin · Console Navigation ...
For Jenkins nodes (slaves in general):. The report for the nodes is available at http://yourhost/monitoring/nodes; Charts aggregated for all nodes of memory, ...
Tag and commit messages which span multiple lines are no problem, though only the first 10000 lines of a tag's message will be exported.