Basic experience of writing Java-based tests with the JUnit test framework is assumed. ... Runs a test case with a data set local to test method or the test class ...
PowerMocking the static Jenkins class appears to negatively interfere with org.jvnet.hudson.test.HudsonTestCase . When using HudsonTestCase in the same code ...
Nov 16, 2021 · I got this wrote in my code. @Test public void main()* but jenkins doesn't see my @Test.But tell my that the build success.
Base class for all Jenkins test cases. Author: Kohsuke Kawaguchi; See Also: Wiki article about unit testing in Jenkins ...
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as ...
Map<java.lang.String, ?>) as an instance method, and uses this constructor. Method Summary. All Methods Static Methods ... Map<java. ... test-classes. requirePI ( ...
Feb 14, 2015 · A utility class to delete the temporary directory at the shutdown of JVM. import java.io.IOException; import hudson.Util; import org.jvnet.
This test has been failing, but now it runs OK. REGRESSION. public static final CaseResult.Status REGRESSION. This test has been running OK, but now it failed.
Configures a Jenkins instance for test. static void, _configureUpdateCenter​(jenkins.model.Jenkins jenkins). Internal method used to configure update ...
Matches if a string contains a portion that matches to the regular expression. static org.hamcrest.Matcher<String>, containsString​(String format, Object.