Automated setup and teardown of a Jenkins installation, allowing each test method to run in a clean, isolated environment. Helper classes and methods to ...
Defining a Pipeline through the classic UI is convenient for testing Pipeline ... Pipeline. To configure ... Pipeline section on the Pipeline configuration page).
A Pipeline's code defines your entire build process, which typically includes stages for building an application, testing it and then delivering it. Also, a ...
The Pipeline Unit Testing Framework allows you to unit test Pipelines and Shared Libraries before running them in full. It provides a mock execution environment ...
To configure a pipeline you have created through the Jenkins UI, select the pipeline and click Configure. If you run Jenkins on Linux or another Unix-like ...
Jan 23, 2022 · I'm trying to add Junit to my Jenkins pipeline by using JenkinsPipelineUnit. Before I'm starting check the pipeline flow I want to check some ...
The options directive allows configuring Pipeline-specific options from within the Pipeline itself. Pipeline provides a number of these options, such as ...
A Pipeline that has failing tests will be marked as "UNSTABLE", denoted by yellow in the web UI. That is distinct from the "FAILED" state, denoted by red.
Dec 22, 2021 · I'm using Jenkins to implement CI\CD. When I change script / pipeline file / job configuration or other global configuration, it affect the jobs ...
This guide provides a small selection of best practices for pipelines and points out the most common mistakes. The goal is to point pipeline authors and ...