Class Component. java.lang.Object. hudson.plugins.clearcase.Component. @ExportedBean public class Component extends Object. Author: kyosi. Constructor Summary ...
Represents a component of a support bundle. This is the unit of user consent; when creating a support bundle, the user would enable/disable individual ...
Acceptance Test Harness5814.vdc5d6d484b_40. acceptance-test-harness. Javadoc · Component Information · Access Modifier Annotation1.33.
Unique hash code for object based on fully qualified nave Neccessary if adding objects to hash sets, -maps etc. boolean, isRootLess(). Component ...
To filter Descriptor s based on the Describable subtypes, do as follows: return !component.isDescriptorOf(Builder.class);. Parameters: type ...
Class Component. java.lang.Object · hudson.plugins.clearcase.ucm.model.UcmSelector. hudson.plugins.clearcase.ucm.model.Component. public class Component extends ...
Component, Status, Issues, Lead, Description, Default assignee, Actions. 42crunch ... Default component for submitters, who do not know which component is ...
extends Describable> c). Checks if this component is a Descriptor describing the given type For example, component.isDescriptorOf(Builder.class). double ...
Specify in which Component.ComponentCategory the current component is related. Overrides: getCategory in class Component; Returns: An enum value of ...
Component that attaches files inside FileListCap into a support bundle without filtering the content of the files. Author: stevenchristou ...