Mar 19, 2018 · We are excited to share and invite the community to join us on a project we've been thinking about over the last few months called Jenkins X ...
We believe that by using cloud provided services the overall usability, performance and scalability can be improved while enabling new demanded functionality.
Jul 30, 2018 · ... High Availability, etc. There are ways to achieve it using Jenkins plugins and some infrastructure tweaks, but it is far from the out-of-the ...
The JCloud plugin creates the possibility of executing the jobs on any cloud provider supported by JCloud libraries. Right-sizing Jenkins controllers.
Aug 31, 2018 · One is “cloud native Jenkins” that creates a flavor of Jenkins that runs well on Kubernetes. The other is “gear shift”, where we take an ...
Sep 10, 2020 · It enables users to take full advantage of cloud-native features around scalability and high availability. Jenkins flexibility enables ...
Kubernetes manages loads well, and it'll make sure your Jenkins agents spin up in the best available server, which makes your builds faster and more efficient.
At what scale (tooling and practice)? a) Single Team b) Multiple Teams c) Organization-wide (managed services) ... High-availability and fault tolerance, downtime ...
Backups are a critical component of ensuring the integrity and availability of your data. Regularly testing your backups and verifying their completeness ...