Opens an input stream on the file so its contents can be read. ... Opens an input stream on the file so its contents can be read. ... child. @NonNull public ...
This mode enables you to find baselines on related streams of the target stream. This is either development streams of the target stream(child mode) or other ...
Returns an InputStream to read from stdout of the child process. abstract boolean, isAlive(). Checks if the process is still alive. abstract int ...
Returns an InputStream to read from stderr of the child process. ... When this method returns null, Proc will internally pump the output from the child process to ...
Constructs a child/descendant SCMFile instance path relative from this object. abstract Iterable<SCMFile>, children(). If this object represents a directory ...
Creates a zip file from this directory by using the specified filter, and sends the result to the given output stream. Parameters: filter - Must be serializable ...
This step pauses Pipeline execution and allows the user to interact and control the flow of the build. Only a basic "proceed" or "abort" option is provided ...
Sep 7, 2021 · This plugin allows you to use either base ClearCase and UCM ClearCase as the SCM for your Jenkins projects. The plugin uses the cleartool ...
The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps ...
Gets all the items in this collection in a read-only view that matches supplied Predicate · Gets a read-only stream of all the items in this collection.