site:jenkins.io jenkins job thresholds.png from wiki.jenkins.io
May 13, 2019 · The plugin enables Apica Loadtest customers to run automatic load tests as part of a Jenkins build process. Build runner setup.
When Synchronous mode is enabled, thresholds can be defined which can optionally put the job into an UNSTABLE or FAILURE state. Total Findings: Sets the ...
Apr 18, 2019 · Display stats of builds and build steps having mean time greater than severe threshold. (By default, severe threshold = 2 x stddev of all ...
Charts aggregated for all nodes of memory, cpu, system load average, number of running builds, build queue length, build times by period; Detailed statistics of ...
Sep 7, 2021 · This metric gives a reasonably pure measure of the load requirements of the Jenkins master as it is unaffected by the number of executors ...
Jun 16, 2017 · This plugin checks for Disk Space on the slave machine before starting a build. If the disk space is below minimum threshold (default 1 Gb ) ...
Sep 7, 2021 · This plugin adds batch tasks that are not regularly executed to projects, such as releases, integration, archiving, etc.
Sep 7, 2021 · Threshold based on the status of the upstream pipeline ("success", "unstable", "failure", "no build", "aborted"). By default, only builds with a ...
site:jenkins.io jenkins job thresholds.png from wiki.jenkins.io
Sep 7, 2021 · This plug-in generates reports static code violation detectors such as checkstyle, pmd, cpd, findbugs, codenarc, fxcop, stylecop and simian.