import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.regex.* /** * This is a Groovy class to allow easy formatting for Jive social networking systems. * It was designed to work in the email-ext plugin for Jenkins. It should be called from the Pre-send Script area. * Also, it doesn't seem like Jive supports text with multiple formats, so only call one formatting method per block of text. * Either formatLine or formatText can and should be called on every line of text that will be sent to the Jive system * prior to calling formatting methods like color or size. *
* The following lines should be added to the Pre-send Script area prior to attempting to invoke any functions. *
* File sourceFile = new File("/your/preferred/path/jive-formatter.groovy"); * Class groovyClass = new GroovyClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader()).parseClass(sourceFile); * GroovyObject jiveFormatter = (GroovyObject) groovyClass.newInstance(); *
* @author Daniel Barker */ class JiveFormatter { /** * Removes special characters from a line of text to prevent errors when emailed to Jive * @param line This is the String which will be formatted. * @return The line with all Jive special characters removed */ String formatLine(String line) { if (line.trim().matches(Pattern.compile("^\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}\$"))) { // This pattern matches a line that only contains a timestamp line = "" } else { // These characters are only used in Jive to represent some special reference contained inside. // If Jive doesn't recognize what's inside, then it will insert the subject of the discussion. def braceMatcher = (line =~ /\[/) line = braceMatcher.replaceAll("#") braceMatcher = (line =~ /\]/) line = braceMatcher.replaceAll("#") // These characters are only used in Jive to represent some special reference contained inside. // If Jive doesn't recognize what's inside, then it will insert the subject of the discussion. def curlyBraceMatcher = (line =~ /\{/) line = curlyBraceMatcher.replaceAll("") curlyBraceMatcher = (line =~ /\}/) line = curlyBraceMatcher.replaceAll("") // Dashes in Jive represent a line break when there are three or more together. This will cause Jive // to discard any text following them. When dashes are in pairs on the ends of words, then they represent a strikethrough. // Dashes are removed when there are two together to be on the safe side to avoid losing content. line = line.replace("---", "===").replaceAll("===-+", "====").replace("--", "==") // Underscores in Jive represent a line break when there are five or more together. This will cause Jive // to discard any text following them. Underscores are removed when there are five together to be on the safe side to avoid losing content. line = line.replace("_____", "=====").replaceAll("=====_+", "=======") // Jive sees angle brackets as literal tags when they are surrounding a word or statement, but they must be touching the word or statement. // Therefore, we remove any angle brackets surrounding text if it is touching the text. line = line.replaceAll("<\\b.*\\b>", { it[0].minus(Pattern.compile(/<|>/)) }) } return line } /** * Removes special characters from a line of text to prevent errors when emailed to Jive. * This is basically the same as formatLine, but added for a case where there is an issue with newLine characters. * @param text This is the String which will be formatted. * @return The line with all Jive special characters removed */ String formatText(String text) { def formattedText = "" text.each() { line -> } return formattedText } /** * Puts input text within code formatting for the specified language. * @param text The text that will be formatted as code * @param type The language for the code formatting * @return The formatted text */ String code(String text, String type) { return "{code:" + formatLine(type).toLowerCase() + "}" + text + "{code}" } /** * Bolds input text. * @param text The text that will be bolded * @return The bolded text */ String bold(String text) { return "*" + text + "*" } /** * Italicizes input text. * @param text The text that will be italicized * @return The italicized text */ String italic(String text) { return "+" + text + "+" } /** * Underlines input text. * @param text The text that will be underlined * @return The underlined text */ String underline(String text) { return "_" + text + "_" } /** * Superscripts input text. * @param text The text that will be superscripted * @return The superscripted text */ String superscript(String text) { return "^" + text + "^" } /** * Subscripts input text. * @param text The text that will be subscripted * @return The subscripted text */ String subscript(String text) { return "~" + text + "~" } /** * Strikes through input text. * @param text The text that will be struck through * @return The struck through text */ String strikethrough(String text) { return "--" + text + "--" } /** * Puts input text into a numbered list format. The list must be delimited. * @param text The text that will be formatted as a numbered list * @param delimiter The delimiter on which to base the numbered lines * @return The numbered list based on the delimiter */ String numberedList(String text, String delimiter) { def numberedText = "" text.split(delimiter).each { line -> numberedText = numberedText + "# " + line + "\n"} return numberedText } /** * Puts input text into a bulleted list format. The list must be delimited. * @param text The text that will be formatted as a bulleted list * @param delimiter The delimiter on which to base the numbered lines * @return The bulleted list based on the delimiter */ String bulletedList(String text, String delimiter) { def bulletedText = "" text.split(delimiter).each { line -> bulletedText = bulletedText + "* " + line + "\n"} return bulletedText } /** * Places input text within a block quote. Should not contain newLine characters. * @param text The text that will be formatted as a block quote * @return The block quote formatted text */ String blockQuote(String text) { return "bq. " + text } /** * Allows for the use of these symbols: {} []. These are normally not allowed in Jive. * @param text The text that will be protected from Jive * @return The protected text */ String noFormat(String text) { return "{noformat}" + text + "{noformat}" } /** * Colors the input text with the specified color. * @param text The text that will be colored * @param color The color of the text which can be human readable like red, green, blue, etc. or * hexadecimal like #fff, #f00, #000, etc. * @return The colored text */ String color(String text, String color) { return "{color:" + formatLine(color).toLowerCase() + "}" + text + "{color}" } /** * Formats the input text with the specified font style * @param text The text that will be styled * @param style The font style in plain language * @return The styled text */ String font(String text, String style) { return "{font:" + formatLine(style).toLowerCase() + "}" + text + "{font}" } /** * Formats the input text with the specified font size * @param text The text that will be sized * @param size The font size in digits * @return The sized text */ String size(String text, String size) { return "{size:" + formatLine(size) + "px" + "}" + text + "{size}" } /** * Applies a heading attribute to the input text. * @param text The text that will be formatted as a heading * @param level The heading level. Jive only recognizes 1 through 6. Anything outside this range * defaults to the closest recognized level. * @return The heading formatted text */ String heading(String text, String level) { return "h" + checkHeadingSize(level) + ". " + text } /** * Ensures that a recognized heading level is returned. * @param level The level that will be checked * @return The returned level that will be recognized in Jive */ private String checkHeadingSize(String level) { if (!level.isInteger()) { return "1" } if (level.toInteger() < 1) { return "1" } else if (level.toInteger() > 6) { return "6" } else { return level } } /** * Formats the input text as a quote * @param text The text that will be formatted as a quote * @return The quote formatted text */ String quote(String text) { return "{quote}" + text + "{quote}" } /** * Puts input text within quote formatting with a specified title. * @param text The text that will be formatted as a quote * @param title The title for the quote block. It appears at the top. * @return The quote formatted text with title */ String quoteWithTitle(String text, String title) { return "{quote:title=" + formatLine(title) + "}" + text + "{quote}" } }