Toolchain Summary
for (String __val : toolchain_status.keySet()) {
hudson.model.Result __result = toolchain_status.get(__val)
Integer _total_cnt = toolchain_total_builds.get(__val)
Integer _failed_cnt = toolchain_total_failed.get(__val)
if (__result == Result.SUCCESS) {
${__val} - OK |
} else {
${__val} - FAILED. ${_failed_cnt} out of ${_total_cnt} failed to build! |
if (something_failed == true) {
A change you committed to a source repository MAY be responsible for breaking a build.
Review the data below or follow the link below to review the output of the build.
If your change was responsible for the build failure, fix ASAP.
If your change is not responsible, there is no need to respond to this email.
All developers with changes associated with this build failure will continue to be notified until the build succeeds.
All developers that are notified of a build failure will be informed by email when the build is once again successful.
Instructions to reproduce the build failure will follow.
for (hudson.matrix.MatrixRun run : runs) {
if (run.getResult() != Result.SUCCESS) {
String toolchain_val
run_configuration = run.getParent()
url = run.getUrl()
configuration_combination = run_configuration.getCombination()
toolchain = configuration_combination.get(toolchain_axis)
architecture = configuration_combination.get(architecture_axis)
toolchain_val = toolchain
${toolchain_val} - ${architecture} Build Details