Binds collection form parameters to beans by using introspection or constructor parameters injection. This method works like bindParameters(Object,String) ...
Handles stapler parameter annotations by determining what values to inject for a method call. Author: Kohsuke Kawaguchi; See Also: InjectedParameter ...
Indicates that this parameter is injected by evaluating StaplerRequest.findAncestorObject(Class) with the parameter type. AncestorInPath.HandlerImpl.
Parameters: request - Current request being processed. Normally the parameter injection grabs some value from here and returns it. Never null. a - The ...
Handles stapler parameter annotations by determining what values to inject for a method call. Type-safe attribute accessor. Intercepts (and receives callbacks) ...
Handles stapler parameter annotations by determining what values to inject for a method call. AnnotationHandler() - Constructor for class org.kohsuke.stapler.
Aug 9, 2013 · Web methods can define parameters. When Stapler invokes your web method, it needs your help to figure out what you expect in those parameters, ...
Active Choices Reactive and Reactive Reference parameters dynamically generate value options for a build parameter using a Groovy script or a Scriptler script.
Gets the plugin object from its short name. This allows URL hudson/plugin/ID to be served by the views of the plugin class. Parameters: ...