Plugin Information |
View SSH Credentials on the plugin site for more information. |
Older versions of this plugin may not be safe to use. Please review the following warnings before using an older version:
SSH Credentials Plugin
This plugin allows you to store SSH credentials in Jenkins.For more information on how to create and use credentials in general in Jenkins, please visit the Credentials Plugin wiki page.
For Developers
Using with Trilead SSH client library
Get the authenticator after you have opened the connection and let it handle authentication for you
StandardUsernameCredentials user = ... Connection connection = ... SSHAuthenticator authenticator = SSHAuthenticator.newInstance(connection, user); if (\!authenticator.authenticate()) throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't authenticate");
Using with JSch SSH client library
Get the authenticator before you have opened the connection (using the JSchConnector, needed because of the strange dichotomy with JSch between public key authentication and user/password authentication) and let feed in authentication for you:
StandardUsernameCredentials user = ... JSchConnector connector = new JSchConnector(user.getUsername(), hostName, port); SSHAuthenticator authenticator = SSHAuthenticator.newInstance(connector, user); authenticator.authenticate(); Session session = connector.getSession(); session.setConfig(...); session.connect(timeout);
Version History
Version 1.17.3 (Sep 24, 2019)
- JENKINS-50181: more fixes for keys lacking a newline
Version 1.17.2 (Sep 10, 2019)
- PR-44: update JCasC to 1.30.
Version 1.17.1 (Jul 10, 2019)
- JENKINS-50181: ssh-agent/ssh-credentials-plugin failing because ssh-add expects a newline in the keyfile
Version 1.17 (Jun 10, 2019)
- Update the minimum Jenkins core requirement to 2.138.4
- Update plugin dependencies to the recent versions
Version 1.16 (Apr 22, 2019)
- PR-40: switch to use secret textarea form component for entering SSH private key in config form.
Version 1.15 (Mar 08, 2019)
- The plugin now requires Jenkins 2.73.3 and SSH Module 2.x
Version 1.14 (Jun 25, 2018)
Version 1.13 (Jan 31, 2017)
- JENKINS-23511 InvalidClassException for SSHAuthenticator$1 when doing a git clone on an AIX slave
- JENKINS-35562 Upgrade to Credentials 2.1.0+ API for populating credentials drop-down
- JENKINS-24613 SSH Credentials should document the file names considered for UsersPrivateKeySource
- JENKINS-21283 BasicSSHUserPrivateKey.getPassphrase breaks nullness contract of interface
- JENKINS-40003 Add description to POM
- JENKINS-39836 InvalidClassException for SSHAuthenticator$1 when doing a git clone on an Linux Z series, Linux P series, and Linux P LE series slaves
Version 1.12 (May 11, 2016)
- JENKINS-26943 BasicSSHUserPrivateKey.DirectEntryPrivateKeySource.privateKey stored in plaintext
- Fix NPE in BasicSSHUserPrivateKey when the user has not configured a private key source
Version 1.11 (Mar 30, 2015)
- JENKINS-26099 Permit the ID of a newly configured private key credentials item to be defined.
Version 1.10 (Oct 17, 2014)
- Code to let slaves load private keys from files on the master did not work as intended.
- Deprecating
Version 1.9 (Aug 15, 2014)
- Add safety to the Trilead SSH Authentication provider so that unknown key types do not cause authentication to bail (JENKINS-24273)
Version 1.8 (Aug 11, 2014)
- Add (experimental) support for ECDSA keys
Version 1.7.1 (Jun 16, 2014)
- Re-release of 1.7 (which failed to upload)
Version 1.7 (Jun 16, 2014)
- Update credentials plugin dependency to 1.14
- Add support for snapshotting SSH credentials
Version 1.6.1 (Feb 5, 2014)
- Update credentials plugin dependency to 1.9.4
Version 1.6 (Nov 8, 2013)
- UI bugfix and update credentials plugin dependency to 1.9.2
Version 1.5.1 (Oct 4, 2013)
- Fix some annoying UI glitches that fell through the cracks
Version 1.5 (Oct 4, 2013)
- Add a readResolve to FileOnMasterPrivateKeySource that heals any borked upgrades where the key contents were set as the filename.
Version 1.4 (Aug 30, 2013)
- Add alternative API to allow overriding the username from SSHAuthenticator.newInstance(connector, user, username) - needed to support e.g. SSH connections via JGit
Version 1.3 (Aug 8, 2013)
- Another binary incompatibility known to affect CloudBees DEV@cloud servers.
Version 1.2 (Aug 8, 2013)
- Binary incompatibility affecting older versions of the SSH Slaves plugin. (JENKINS-19104)
Version 1.1 (Aug 7, 2013)
- PuTTY key format regression. (JENKINS-19104)
Version 1.0 (Aug 7, 2013)
- Upgrade to Credentials Plugin 1.0 and migrate to new data types.
- Any existing plugins that request credentials of type SSHUserPrivateKey explicitly will be unaffected.
- If an existing plugin requests credentials of type BasicSSHUserPassword the resolution mechanism will handle the mapping to a concrete StandardUsernamePasswordCredentials transparently
- If an existing plugin requests credentials of the base interface type SSHUser it will not be able to locate and StandardUsernamePasswordCredentials implementations and will need to be adapted to integrate correctly with the new class tree.
- SSHAuthenticator.matcher() and SSHAuthenticator.matcher(Class< Connection type>) can be used to retrieve a CredentialsMatcher to narrow the search for appropriate credentials.
- NOTE: This version requires the SSH Slaves plugin be upgraded to at least version 1.0 or it will break the installed SSH Slaves plugin.
- NOTE: This version modifies the configuration data format from a format that can be read by version 0.4 to a format that can only be read by 1.0 or newer. It will not be possible to downgrade from 1.0 to a previous release without risking configuration data loss.
Version 0.4 (Jul 1, 2013)
- Made the authentication usable on slaves.
Version 0.2 (Oct 25, 2012)
- Add support for the JSch client library
Version 0.1 (Feb 28, 2012)
- Initial release