Plugin Information |
Distribution of this plugin has been suspended due to unresolved security vulnerabilities, see below. |
The current version of this plugin may not be safe to use. Please review the following warnings before use:
SCTMExecutor Plugin
This plugin integrates Micro Focus Silk Central (version 17.0 or later) into Jenkins. You can trigger execution plans in Silk Central and collect the test results in Jenkins.
Global Settings
Use the global settings to configure the URL of the Silk Central web services and a valid user and password. The password is stored encrypted in the Jenkins plugin configuration on the Jenkins server.
Project Settings
To trigger the execution of execution plans (or folders), specify the execution plan IDs in a comma separated list, and the project ID. All execution plan IDs must be in the same project, otherwise you need additional builder configurations.
The see the results of the Silk Central executions in Jenkins, select "Collect results" in the build step and configure the post-build action "Collect Silk Central Test Results".
Pipeline Sample
node {
stage('trigger Silk') {
silkcentral buildNumberUsageOption: 4, collectResults: true, execDefIds: '3938,3939', projectId: 1
stage('collect results') {
Uprgade from versions < 2.0
Re-enter the password of the specified Silk Central user under 'Silk Central Configuration' at 'Manage Jenkins -> Configure System'.
Remove the JUnit Test Result Publisher post-build action (if not used by other build steps) and configure the post-build action "Collect Silk Central Test Results".
Version | Comment |
2.2 |
2.0 |
1.5.1 |
1.5 | BUGFIX: remove limit of 8 parallel executions |
1.2 | BUGFIX: ThreadPool is now transient |
| BUGFIX: Collecting results fails since version 1.1, due to an serialization error |
1.0 | first complete major release; You are able to trigger one or more execution definitions and record there results to visualize it in the test results graph/table. |
0.6 | several improvements in collecting results, translation, tests |
0.5 | fix problems with dependencies to SAX (use sun implementation as a quick fix) |
0.4 | several improvements with test execution and result writing |
0.3 | First release candidate (after some problems with wagon-svn) |
0.1 | First try |
Known Problems / TODOs
Please feel free to enter any issue to JIRA and set the component to 'sctmexecutor'.
Use a new result view that shows a matrix of configurations and testcases/-suites running in these configurations
encoding for german translation
documentation for build number usage options
use hudson build number for SCTM execution (if build number does not exists create it)
add option for not recording/waiting for test results (only trigger execution and finish)
If more than one execution definition is started the results are lost.
Some localization issues
Find a way to handle very long SCTM executions
Usability; Add some configuration check code to give the user an early preview about the configuration sets.
-> implemented but not included in the latest available release
-> in progress or just an idea/todo
-> done and available in the latest release