Jenkins : Progress MobileStudio Plugin

Plugin Information

View Progress MobileStudio on the plugin site for more information.


Enables Jenkins to execute Progress® Mobile Studio tests


The Mobile Studio Plugin allows you to build and execute Mobile Studio tests and test lists in Jenkins CI environment and easily explore the generated JUnit xml results in the built-in Jenkins functionality.




  1. Add a Mobile Studio Runner configuration build step. Under the 'Add build step menu' section select 'Mobile Studio runner configuration'.
  2. Input the full path to Telerik.MobileTesting.Runner.exe. The default path to the Mobile Runner executable is C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Test Studio\Bin\MobileStudio.
  3. Input Message Server address - running message server to which the devices are connected to.

  4. Input device ID to execute the tests on.

  5. Specify the test or test list to execute using full or relative path to the file and the project root folder full path.

  6. Choose whether to convert test or test steps to JUnit test. By enabling the checkbox a test list will be converted as a test suite and each including test will be converted to a JUnit test. Otherwise if unthicked a test will be converted to a test suite and each of its steps will be converted as a JUnit test.

Your test execution step is now ready to save and run.