The following is a fluid list of proposed projects to work on:
- Blue Ocean hacking
** Unknown User (kzantow)
- Pipeline hacking
** Unknown User (abayer)
- Rebuild the Update Site generator
- Update/improve account-app to support board elections
- (Mini?) Project: Measure and Improve Pipeline Performance -Sam Van Oort
- Benchmarking for pipeline storage/execution
- Work on optimizing FlowNode/log storage (JENKINS-30896)
- Unknown User (schristou) Improve performance of disk read/writes by switching some Jenkins apis to use Java 7 NIO.
On Thursday (September 15th) there will be a bus (organized by Unknown User (atong)) to take everybody from the convention center to KK's Summer House. The bus will start loading at 6PM in front of the Hyatt at the Convention Center. After that, you're on your own to arrange transportation from the house to the airport.
- Cars - the following people will have cars on-site
Sunday, Sept 18
- Breakfast on your own
- Hack hack hack
- Go home already.